Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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Enthusiasm for Britain Stronger IN Europe Campaign

by Alan Dean on 9 May, 2016

I’ve been a bit lazy with my blog in recent weeks, so I promise an update soon. In the meantime, here is a report of Saturday’s discussions with shoppers in Saffron Walden about June’s EU referendum. Amongst our all-party and no-party team were Conservative MEP Vicky Ford (see photo.) and Conservative MP Alan Haselhurst.

I have since sent a letter to local papers:

The Editor


“It’s a no-brainer” was the response of the lady whose opinion I asked on June’s referendum about EU membership. She was for IN; for the UK remaining a member of the European Union.

“I’m IN” stickers were going like hot cakes on Saturday morning in Saffron Walden’s market square. I joined a team of Stronger IN campaigners from several political backgrounds and none to listen to the opinions of weekend shoppers. The overwhelming view was the need to stick with our continental partners and to reject UK isolationism and diminished influence for our country.

A minority wanted OUT and are unlikely to change their minds. Some were still weighing up the pros and cons. What was impressive was the positive outlook of the biggest group; people who were strongly for staying united within the EU to deal with today’s and the future’s major challenges together. “It’s the future of our children and grandchildren that matters”, I was told. We talked about continuing the European peace of the last 70 years by maintaining unity with our neighbours; by rejecting division and the risk of fragmentation amongst European countries.

There are a lot of positive, forward-looking people in this area who are proud of our country and proud to be Europeans.

Yours truly

Alan Dean



Canvassing for Stronger IN_Vicky Ford

Shoppers in Saffron Walden talk to MEP Vicky Ford about June’s EU referendum. There was majority enthusiastic supporting for remaining in the European Union.


5 Responses

  1. keith says:

    Most people wouldn’t know Vicky from a bar of soap or what she has achieved as an MEP (hint: not a lot) and that antediluvian lightweight Haselhurst has nothing to say that the Tory hierarchy haven’t primed him with.

    I wonder how many residents were asked what Cameron had achieved with his ‘negotiations’ (hint: nothing whatsoever) and whether this country would be clamouring to join the sclerotic, corrupt, dysfunctional and anti-democratic EU if we were not already lumbered with it?

    Cameron has the gall to suggest that if we leave it is likely to lead to WW3, the man is a cretin. All we hear from the Remain gang is the dire consequences if we leave, they have nothing to say about the benefits of retaining membership of this incompetent group of political and economic illiterates. Look at what has happened to Greece, that worked out well for them didn’t it? Unemployment in Spain is horrendous, Italy is a basket case, France a joke and as a consequence of Frau Merkels idiotic opening of borders, Germany now has a significant migrant problem. Still, why would the odd rape and sexual assault trouble a nation that took Europe to two major wars eh?

    The remain argument is based almost entirely on scaremongering. I would argue that the case to leave the EU is entirely based on optimism. No, I can’t provide figures for the potential economic impact, but then Osborne has been lying about the British economy for 6 years so why should we listen to him?

    If this country votes to remain in the EU then the turkeys that voted for Christmas deserve every bad thing that happens to them and I have nothing but contempt for them. If you want to believe the lies peddled by oily spivs like Cameron and Osborne, the crass interference of a lame duck president like Obama (why can’t he stick to wrecking his own country) and believe that this country cannot cope outside the socio-politico-economic car crash that is the EU then perhaps you should consider seeking psychiatric help.

    • keith says:

      And our political ‘heavyweights’ (as if one could call the likes of Cameron or Sadiq Khan anything other than lightweight chancers) currently making disrespectful comments about Donald Trump are evidently ignorant of the consequences should DT win the presidential election.

      The bien pensant commentators (largely lefties with an agenda) who have been slating DT from the moment he declared himself a runner, have been catastrophically wrong, the pesky American electorate refuse to do as they are told and persist in voting for a man who isn’t beholden to any political machine.

      Quite why the commentators would prefer Hilary is a moot point, she has a proven record of dishonest behaviour, poor judgement and flaky principles.

      I predict that Donald Trump will win convincingly in the presidential contest and may turn out to be a far better incumbent than Obama (not a difficult feat to accomplish, though Hilary would fail badly) Perhaps Cameron and Khan should reconsider their comments and do a Hilary, claiming to have ‘mis-spoken’. And perhaps keep their opinions to themselves in future.

  2. keith says:

    How about an honest debate about the benefits of remaining in Europe? What did Cameron achieve in his recent ‘negotiations’ to improve the position? (He has been a little coy, which speaks volumes)

    The House of Lords has just issued a report that the so-called EU initiative to suppress illegal migration in the Mediterranean has been a failure, indeed has made the situation worse.

    Greece appears not to have benefited hugely from their accession (aided by bent accounting by Goldman Sachs). Indeed some observers might suggest that the Greek economy has been ravaged by recent developments.

    Spain, Portugal and Italy all have higher rates of unemployment than might be anticipated, indeed their youngsters have a blighted future, courtesy of the EU.

    Wheeling out the likes of Obama, Carney and Lagarde is frankly loathsome, since when did foreigners dictate policy to this country (a rhetorical question, given that the EU dictates so much of our law) but if one examines the track record of these individuals it is difficult to credit their judgement. Lagarde is under investigation, Obama is the worst president for decades.

    I appreciate Alan is a keen EU propagandist, that does not signify that I value his judgement on this matter. The EU as originally envisaged was an entirely different construct to the corrupt, inefficient, anti-democratic regime that now exists. No sane group would seek to join the current EU and it is entirely legitimate to seek to leave it. The Remain propaganda based entirely on fear and distortion is unworthy of a mature democracy (not that the likes of Cameron and Osborne are mature or democratic, simply arrogant and thoughtless) and treat the electorate as simpletons.

    Simpletons will vote to remain. Anyone with the ability to consider the issues will vote to leave.

    • Alan Dean says:

      I do not accept your analysis of the situation, Keith, as you will expect.

      I spent an interesting two hours this morning talking to people in the centre of Great Dunmow. The responses were less strongly in favour of remaining in the EU than they were in Saffron Walden last week. Nevertheless, I handed out IN stickers to people at about the same rate as in Walden to people who wore them enthusiastically.

      My impression of the Brexit supporters is that people want to dump all their concerns on the EU for problems that cannot be pinned on the Union. For instance, pay having not increased since 2008; the real cause – international market forces and the UK culture of social division with elites looking after themselves. A keen Brexit donor recently said he wanted OUT because the financial chaos it would cause would allow him – a hedge fund manager – to make loads of money out of everyone else’s misery. The belief that the UK is not spending enough on its armed forces; ask the UK government.

      People are being (and have been for years) conned by an elite – and that includes the proprietors of the Mail and Sun – who have no interest in the ordinary man and woman, but hate the fact that it is the EU that is driving forward clamps on scams such as tax havens.

      It’s easy to be angry at the world, but trying to step off it in the hope that going into isolation will make it better for the ordinary man and woman is sadly an illusion.

  3. keith says:

    I suggest you take a wander around places like Willows Green or Cock Green and notice that there are quite a few posters for the leave campaign.

    I predict a vote to leave simply because the Remain arguments are so negative and crass. The electorate are not stupid but oily spivs like Cameron and his chums think that they can con us with their spurious threats and distortions.

    One of the biggest advantages of a leave vote will be getting rid of that spiv Cameron, a man who has been consistently disappointing every time a matter of principle has arisen. He couldn’t manage a victory against Gordon Brown, consequently lumbering us with 5 years of Lib Dem meddling in affairs of state and he still hasn’t come to terms with the fact that he won last year and doesn’t have to waste time with a coalition. The sooner we are rid of this snake-oil salesman the better.

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