Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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Will George Osborne regret losing the Lib Dems?

by Alan Dean on 19 March, 2016

George Osborne is too clever, by half. From his elite, privileged tower he lacks the political nous that saves many a politician from falling into a hole.

He’s simply driven by what he thinks will win votes for the Tories, regardless how much nastiness to the poor and pandering to the rich  that requires.

During the coalition David Cameron and his fellow Tories had the Lib Dems there to temper their nastiness and stupidity; but no more.

I like this quote from Twitter: “Amazing really that a Tory govt capable of co-existing fairly harmoniously with LibDems is now struggling to co-exist with itself”.

Ian Duncan Smith’s interview with Andrew Marr on BBC 1 summed it up. He said the Conservative Government needed to govern for people who don’t vote Tory as well as those that do. I don’t think George Osborne thinks that way.


2 Responses

  1. keith says:

    Osborne is an oily chancer who owes his current position to his relationship to Cameron, nothing more, he has no gift for fulfilling the role of chancellor, indeed analysis of his 6 years in office would soon reveal that he has done nothing to address the deficit.

    The coalition years were wasted by both parties involved, the LibDems paid for this by being decimated in May last year while the Tories will tear themselves apart in the bitter argument about Europe.

    IDS is to be congratulated for the fact that his principled resignation destroys Osborne, we can only hope that he can do the same for the European debate. The latest nonsense from the CBI, predicting a million job losses and £100billion hit on the economy is typical of the remain mob. This would be the same CBI that urged us to join the euro a few years back… would that have worked out guys?

    Talk of a leap into the unknown is pathetic, we would simply be returning to the position we occupied in the early 1970s, but with a far stronger economy.

  2. keith says:

    And now we can watch as the Tory government oversees the destruction of our steel industry. Sajid Javid might as well have stayed in Australia with his daughter for all the good he will accomplish, evidently the events of the last 6-12 months passed him by, along with minor matters such as the ludicrously high energy costs in this country and the ludicrously low tariffs on Chinese steel (both down to this cretinous Tory government)

    America has a protective tariff rate of over 250% on Chinese steel imports while this country has a tariff of 24%. Says it all really.

    Meanwhile, Cameron and his chums will brown-nose any despot if there is a few quid in it for them. The sooner we get rid of this over-rated half-wit the better it will be for the country, people will look back in amazement at the period from 2010 and wonder how the electorate were credulous enough to re-elect Cameron and his goof army with a majority.

    Consider the wrong decisions this posh clown has made on minor issues like immigration, EU membership, Libya, Syria, holidaying in the UK (he prefers Italy) and ask how you can trust such a charlatan. Incidentally, his wrong calls on Libya, Egypt and Syria have resulted in many thousands of deaths and a flood of refugees.

    I suggest that the sooner this shiny faced muppet gets to spend more time sitting in a foreign bodega, with or without his ‘adoring’ wife, the better it will be. And if this country has the sense to vote to leave the EU, the sooner we will be rid of Cameron and his gormless clique.

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