Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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by Alan Dean on 2 September, 2015

People in Stansted are determined that Uttlesford District Council will not inflict bad planning on the village. Two-hundred and ten people said as much in this letter I received over the Bank Holiday Weekend. They are correct. Good development is welcome. Bad development is unwelcome. The latest proposal is over-development and is bad!

There have been five (5) planning applications and one planning appeal at 14 Cambridge Road, Stansted CM24 8BZ since January 2012. Three applications were refused and the appeal was dismissed. One application in December 2012 to demolish all existing buildings went through, resulting in the site being levelled to earth level and all previous activity on the site extinguished well over two years ago.

This has been a saga of greedy land owners and developers wanting to maximise their exploitation of the site by paying little regard to the local community and businesses that will have to live with the unacceptable consequences of their plans. The latest applicant has not even bothered to conduct any local consultation.

There is no doubt in my mind that Uttlesford’s planning committee should reject the latest application UTT/15/1666/FUL for the following reasons:

  1. The site would be over-developed if approved; the houses and the commercial buildings are together too big and would not function properly;
  2. Parking is under-provided by around 15 spaces, or around 50%, and includes impractical tandem parking. This would put an intolerable burden on the public’s nearby Crafton Green Car Park and on parking demand in Cambridge Road;
  3. The entrance to the site and exit from it into Cambridge Road is too narrow with poor sight lines; there would be a dangerous conflict with pedestrians and with passing vehicles and with parked lorries outside Tesco and with buses at the stop immediately outside the site;
  4. The site has no existing use. This was mostly ceased several years ago and was totally extinguished through demolition nearly three years ago; there is no practical basis for claiming that this latest proposal is no worse than what exists and has permission; nothing exists and nothing has permission!
  5. There are flaws and inaccuracies in the applicants description of his proposal;
  6. The applicant seems to think he has addressed weaknesses in the last scheme dismissed at appeal; but this is a different and denser development that must be made to stand or fail on its own merits and should not be approved based on shaky claims that some features are better than the Planning Inspector previously rejected;
  7. The applicant has carried out no public consultation and has minimal community support for his application.

A transport assessment has been carried out on behalf of local residents and business people. The report and an addendum can be read at these links.



2 Responses

  1. Sylvia Hayes says:

    Thank you for taking on this challenge. We have lived in St. John’s Crescent for 20 years and in Stansted for 30 years and the village is becoming unrecognisable. While I understand change is inevitable over this time things now seem to be getting out of hand or dragging on for years on end. Any development in Cambridge Road should be thrown out unless it involves additional parking. This is now a thriving shopping area but people seem to think they can ignore the current parking rectrictions and stop where they like. I do no want to waste your time with a parking rant but I actually challenged a young man who drew up and parked on the zig-zag lines outside of the Co-op. His reply was he didn’t know it meant no parking and walked off into Tescos. The worst parts of any car journey I make now are the first and last couple of minutes.
    Thank you for reading this and keep up the good work
    Sylvia Hayes

  2. Keith says:

    I will give some thought to the various reasons that make this application unsuitable and come back to you.

    The history of the site speaks volumes for the greed of the developers and their refusal to consider a sustainable development on the site.

    Unfortunately, we cannot rely on the professional judgement of officers or sensible consideration on the part of the new planning committee. Officer judgement was savaged in the recent report on the draft local plan. As to the committee, one only has to look at the farcical way in which the Ongar Road application was rammed through in July.

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