Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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“Corruption of process, lack of democracy and weak accountability”

by Alan Dean on 4 August, 2014

The above words are contained in a open letter received by all councillors at the weekend. The open letter from the Saffron Walden-based campaign group WeAreResidents can be read here.

Sadly, what WAR has written is a fair but alarming assessment of planning at Uttlesford District Council in 2014.

Accountability at UDC is weak. It stems in part from a political leadership that has avoided accountability over long-term planning – the Local Plan – chiefly by avoiding politically awkward decisions and hiding behind council officials when they eventually make them. “This plan is not ours; it’s a proposal from our officers”, is the line used by cabinet members on more than one occasion. Officers have been left to fill the vacuum.

Mistakes are made. They are covered up. Officers start to run the council instead of the elected members. There is no accountability because everyone who should be in charge passes the buck.

Corruption is not only about people lining their pockets from brown envelopes. When democracy is diminished to the extent that the public – and many elected councillors – cannot tell who is responsible for what, then accountability becomes weak and democracy has indeed been corrupted.

Press coverage today in: Herts & Essex ObserverSaffron Walden Weekly News .and Saffron Walden Reporter.


2 Responses

  1. Geoff Powers says:

    I endorse fully both your own and WaR’s analysis of the sorry state of affairs we now find ourselves in as a unit of democratic local government. How far are we from judicial review?

  2. Keith says:

    Apparently this blog has become required reading for UDC cabinet members, not that they enjoy what they read since it tends to jar somewhat with the artificial world that they have confected where all their decisions are wise and just, while dissenters are evil and should be purged. It has reached the point where comment appears futile, they never actually engage with the issues raised. Still, residents need to be assured that the current state of affairs will not be permanent, change will happen.

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