Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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Politicians hoist with their own petard.

by Alan Dean on 11 September, 2011

We will never know whether Shakespeare had foresight of the 21st century planning dilemma when he used the phrase “hoist with his own petard” in Hamlet. It is hard to deny that the present planning debacle between government ministers and bodies such as the National Trust is a 21st century tragedy. Daily rows in the media contain more emotion that rationality.

Hamlet’s actual meaning is of a bomb (petard) maker being blown up (hoist) by his own bomb. And so it is with ministers from the department for communities. They spent the last few years trying to demolish the planning regime introduced by the last government. The then opposition spokesmen and councillors claimed that housing targets were figments of the imagination of John Prescott imposed upon councils from on high. Now we have the same people in government telling councils they have to up their housing targets by 20% because there is a real housing crisis than cannot be ignored.

But it’s not just the complexity, slowness and expense of the planning system that is preventing new homes being built. This Letter to press by Weston Homes suggests that market failures are pulling the plug on affordable homes and that over-hasty changes to the funding regime for housing associations is partly to blame. This week’s front page of the Saffron Walden Weekly News said it all; demand for social housing has doubled in the past year.

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One Response

  1. Chris Johnson says:

    Two issues, both linked; planning and housing.

    In my view, the affordable housing problems started when Thatcher stole the money from the sale of council houses, that was intended to build more social housing and pushed for the american model of private landlords. We now have a mass of bad housing; just for profit, crooks, refusing to complete repairs or return deposits.

    When this local area was looking at G1, G2 (fifth runway on plans), Harlow North and various other developments, Lord Hanningfield (a very honest and hard working man who was stabbed in the back) Paul wanted to make the area a separate linked community, he had one name, other would welcome a Development Corporation back. Within that structure, social housing could be built 100% for local homeless people, people with links and a history in the area, who have worked and waited for a proper home. Other issues could be included on future planning of the area now that Epping, Harlow and Uttlesford are linked, but East Herts must be brought into the group.

    We can then start thinking of our Region, Development Zone, in terms of Economic development, Housing and Planning. Get our priorities right!

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