Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more
by Alan Dean on 18 June, 2021
There will be a Vote of No Confidence in the Leader and the Cabinet at Uttlesford on Monday, June 28th.
The agenda for an Extraordinary Council Meeting has just been published and the MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE can be read at the highlighted link to the Council’s website and also below.
The meeting and motion has been put forward by thirteen councillors from the Conservative, Green and Liberal Democrat Groups and one Independent councillor who recently resigned from the ruling party, Residents for Uttlesford, led by Council Leader John Lodge and his Cabinet.
The cross-party motion for a Vote of No Confidence in the Leader and Cabinet of Uttlesford District
The Leader and Cabinet of Uttlesford District Council have failed on a number of fronts to the detriment of
our residents. This is a direct result of the lack of transparent, accountable and honest leadership which
has been consistently demonstrated during the past two municipal years through the following
unacceptable actions and behaviours and failure of leadership that must not be allowed to continue.
The Council Leader and Cabinet failed to uphold the Planning Committee’s decision to
unconditionally refuse Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) permission to expand Stansted Airport to
43 million passengers per annum. In so doing they compromised the Council’s case at the recent
appeal hearings. Furthermore, the same leading Members have unacceptably failed to be
accountable by not answering sixteen questions about the appeal process posed by other
Members in January 2021.
The Council Leader and Cabinet have failed to run the Council in a proper manner and have
demonstrated a lack of Good Governance. The same leading Members have refused to call upon
parties involved in an ongoing 14-months’ long Police Investigation and to follow good practice
and to stand aside until the investigation’s completion, thus causing substantial reputational and
financial damage to the Council. Until the Police and any internal investigation are completed the
external auditor is unable to sign off the Council’s Annual Governance Statement and the Council’s
accounts for 2019/20.
The Council Leader and Cabinet have failed to respect the principle of Democratic Accountability.
They have displayed dishonesty and have created a bullying and intimidatory culture which
tolerates neither dissent nor questioning from backbench members. Elected members who
question, or ask for clarification are frequently dismissed, demeaned or intimidated by
administration party members, often in a vicious or otherwise inappropriate manner, so
effectively suppressing the democratic representation of their constituents.
Council therefore resolves to pass a Vote of No Confidence in the current Leader and Cabinet and affirms
that they are unfit to lead this Council.
PROPOSER: Councillor M Caton SECONDER: Councillor V Isham
We, the undersigned, hereby sign this requisition calling for an Extraordinary Council Meeting to take place
on June 28th in order to conduct the following business:
A Vote of No Confidence in the Leader and Cabinet of Uttlesford District Council.
Councillor Susan Barker (Con) Councillor Paul Fairhurst (Green)
Councillor Melvin Caton (Lib Dem) Councillor Vere Isham (Independent)
Councillor Christian Criscione (Con) Councillor Ayub Khan (Lib Dem)
Councillor Alan Dean (Lib Dem) Councillor Mark Lemon (Con)
Councillor Barbara Light (Green) Councillor Janice Loughlin (Lib Dem)
Councillor Edward Oliver (Con) Councillor Geoffrey Sell (Lib Dem)
Councillor George Smith (Con
1 Comment
Well done councillors I agree with your decision completely and I’m sure
Many of the voters in saffron Walden
Would agree with you
I would think members and officers of the saffron walden constuency labour party would feel the same way
And I hope you succeed with your motion
Simon Trimnell
Saffron walden