Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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Uttlesford Liberal Democrats saddened by departure of Thaxted colleagues

by Alan Dean on 15 May, 2020

I’ve not posted on my blog for some time. Here is some news – through the following press release – that, sadly, I would prefer not to have to give to readers.

Uttlesford Liberal Democrats saddened by departure of Thaxted colleagues


“We are deeply saddened that our former colleagues from Thaxted and the Eastons, Cllrs Martin Foley and Mike Tayler, have decided to become Independent Members of Uttlesford District Council”, said Cllr Ayub Khan, Chair of the council’s Liberal Democrat Group. “The Lib Dems have always respected Martin’s, and latterly Mike’s, strongly fought opposition to development at Easton Park (*). Moving forward the Lib Dem Group will work constructively with all members of the council, irrespective of political group. We will also continue to challenge the majority political administration when challenge is needed.


The council’s Liberal Democrat Group leader, Cllr Alan Dean, said “We wish Martin and Mike well. Together they retain their national Liberal Democrat Party membership and continue to share our values. We have agreed to work with them on an issue by issue basis.


“Together, councillors have to ensure that a Local Plan is produced by the Government’s target date of December 2023. It must deliver much improved infrastructure, new homes that are truly affordable for everyone, whilst meeting carbon reduction targets. What Uttlesford must avoid is even more unwanted, poor quality, speculative developments in the wrong places that overwhelm our towns and villages and so make them unsustainable.


“The Council will need to consider all options to accommodate new development pressures on the district, given the steep rise in the number of homes that must be delivered as a result of the Local Plan’s recent withdrawal”, added Alan Dean.


(*) NOTE: Easton Park, to the west of Great Dunmow, was the location proposed in Uttlesford’s recently withdrawn Local Plan for the largest of three new Garden Settlements. ENDS

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