Cllr Alan Dean

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stansted North on Uttlesford District Council and former Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Learn more

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Is Uttlesford’s Local Plan sound? This is what I think.

by Alan Dean on 20 October, 2014

I have submitted my own view to the planning inspectorate on what I think about Uttlesford’s local plan. A public examination of the plan begins on Monday November 17th. I look forward to hearing what others have to say and, in due course – but possibly not before May’s elections – what the inspector and the government think.

My submission can be read here. More information about the examination in public can be read here, though I have been unable to find any obvious reference to when and where it is being held.


2 Responses

  1. Keith says:

    Difficult to see how the inspector can find the plan sound, given the volume of errors and the utter failure to consult properly.

    If the plan is found unsound, where does that leave the likes of Rolfe and Taylor? Can we look forward to principled resignations or will they cling on despite being discredited?

    • Keith says:

      It appears that Rolfes latest contribution to the planning debacle is to attempt to have me removed from the planning committee.

      Apart from being overt political interference in what should be an apolitical committee, Rolfe typically demonstrates that he has given no thought to consequences.

      At full council this evening, I, along with two fellow councillors will declare ourselves to be members of the new political group, Residents4Uttlesford. A distinct group of three members is entitled to a place on the planning committee as a matter of course. It may well be that at least one further member may also join the new group tonight.

      I would have urged Rolfe to discuss the matter with me before plunging blindly ahead and leaving himself looking ridiculous and a little petty but he prefers to act without talking to me, hardly the mark of a leader.

      I think it was a mistake for the group to make Rolfe leader. His treachery towards Sir Alan in February should have been cause to have him removed from cabinet. His first months as leader have clearly demonstrated arrogance, dysfunction and inability to communicate. A smart suit and a smooth tongue are no substitute for leadership skills, man management aptitude and the ability to motivate and inspire others.

      Rolfe will be for the Tory group in 2015 what Gordon Brown was for the Labour Party in 2010, a reminder of all that is worst about the group. He doesn’t even have the courage to stand in the seat that he has been betraying for the past several years, preferring to mince over to Ashdon, fondly imagining that they will welcome his brand of empty platitudes. I think he will be in for an unpleasant surprise.

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